
May 6, 2022
i mean latest games, they were rare before, thats why its % from whole pack is low, but lately they are everywhere and usually they all are the same
Okay, I checked latest, which is a list of 30
3 tagged NTR or swinging. Which is 10%, or 1 in 10.
One of those is AI-deal rays which I actually played, it has no NTR in it. It's one of those "well I mean other girls will rub her tits and lick her nipples if you don't play well"
Or I just didn't get far enough after a few hours to find it. But that really doesn't feel NTR in spirit.
So there you go, Voilsh is right.


New Member
Jul 12, 2018
◇H plot mainly for NTR

Literally written here but people won't shut up and want to let the whole world know how much they hate NTR and won't play it. Like who asked?

NTR games are already so rare but people would still come over and shit on it.
I honestly do not get it. I can see being upset/offended if I ignorantly found a porn clip of my wife getting railed by six dudes made just 2 days ago. That would certainly generate a very negative emotional response. However encountering the same event in a game/VN of my MC finding a clip of his Girlfriend getting nailed by 6 dudes... kinda hot. I might, logically understand that the MC is supposed to be upset, and allowing myself the acceptance of that for moving the plot forward, but I would still likely go back and watch that scene a few more time... show it to my wife, let the fantasy take us where it will shortly after...

I can respect people who have hang ups about some manufactured character in... disloyal?... events; and actively avoid those games/VNs. However, they make posts like, "NTR? Pass!!!", not to vent some narcisistic personal offense, (though I am sure that is what they tell themselves). The reality, down at it's core, is that they are trying to intimidate the Author, Mods, Audience and anyone who follows the commenter, how much they do not like NTR, that NTR should be avoided, that such content should be socially pressured out of existance. They not only hate NTR, they want you to hate it to. They want everyone to hate it so much nobody will make it, post it, talk about it. This is what motivates these kinds of posts, and that is what offends me.

Trust me, there is content I avoid, even actively find socially objectionable. Events that if I encountered them in real life would result in immediate action and violence. Some acts, even in fiction, make me want to vomit. I avoid those games/VNs. I see them, I shudder, I close the tab and move on. I don't feel motivated to make a comment trying to kink shame people however, who might like that kind of fantasy, and that is all posts like, "I was down till I saw the NTR tag.", are... kink shaming.


Jul 6, 2019
The reality, down at it's core, is that they are trying to intimidate the Author, Mods, Audience and anyone who follows the commenter, how much they do not like NTR, that NTR should be avoided, that such content should be socially pressured out of existance.
I feel like a game like this doesn't deserve such heated discussion. If anything, the niche NTR theme is the selling point; if it were completely vanilla there'd be little reason to play it.

The real threat is people who run pressure campaigns against the devs. This can take the form of direct harassment or concerted attempts to get patrons to unsubscribe. A number of devs have left the NTR space due to such tactics. But for the most part, whining on F95 doesn't accomplish much. I can assure you that the Taiwanese dev of this title doesn't give a damn what a bunch of English leechers on F95 think about the NTR themes. We're not the target audience.

What I'm after with NTR is suspense and drama. Too many games cling to boring moe or harem stereotypes and NTR is sort of the opposite pole. Unfortunately, too many NTR games just replace the boring moe stereotypes with boring NTR stereotypes. This game is a prime example. Once upon a time, in the 90's and early 2000's, mainstream games (mostly JVNs) used NTR elements to tell dramatic stories that were not focused on NTR. Over time, the JVN space polarized into "NTR-free" and "NTR-fetish", both of which tend not to feature interesting relationship suspense or drama. The same pressures are at work in the English space (which is largely crowdfunded), but with a different result: "only avoidable NTR". This seeks to indulge the NTR crowd while placating the anti-NTR resistance, but this too has tradeoffs: if you have to opt into the NTR, that precludes meaningful suspense and drama, and especially jealousy. There's no suspense if the game asks if you want to be NTR'd and you choose "Yes". Interesting drama results when good intentions yield imperfect or undesired results. Building your narrative around all the NTR being clearly avoidable limits the stories you can tell. That's a real shame, but it may be an inexorable outcome of the crowdfunding model.

To be clear, I'm not against optional NTR. Giving the player agency to pursue a desired outcome is part of building suspense. But I'd urge developers to tell more complex stories. Give the player multiple relationships and objectives to juggle. Introduce tradeoffs for pursuing multiple heroines (and also staying faithful to one heroine--no one escapes unscathed!) and give them relationships with others, both fulfilling and unfulfilling. Present choices that have no right answer. Let good intentions result in bad outcomes that propel the story forward. Tease players and make them squirm a bit, but ultimately give them the agency to get the ending they want, however rocky the path.
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Nov 1, 2023
"Is this a NTR game? Is NTR optional? It doesn't make sense! Nobody wants to be NTRed."
"Is this a Rape game? Is Rape optional? It doesn't make sense! Nobody wants to be raped."
"Is combat optional? I'm a pacifist" "Is killing animals optional? I'm a vegan!"
NTR haters are just your everyday SJW. Showing their toxic behaviour everywhere, giving low ratings on games, doujins, manhwa, or anything, for no particular reasons except the tag "NTR". FFS these Male Karens need to grow up ASAP


Active Member
May 4, 2020
"Is this a NTR game? Is NTR optional? It doesn't make sense! Nobody wants to be NTRed."
"Is this a Rape game? Is Rape optional? It doesn't make sense! Nobody wants to be raped."
"Is combat optional? I'm a pacifist" "Is killing animals optional? I'm a vegan!"
NTR haters are just your everyday SJW. Showing their toxic behaviour everywhere, giving low ratings on games, doujins, manhwa, or anything, for no particular reasons except the tag "NTR". FFS these Male Karens need to grow up ASAP
i never like vanilla because the CG is boring
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Aug 23, 2019
Art is fantastic, but the MTL is confirmed lazy. It's strange how these alleged "professional" game devs aren't using the chatGPT translators we see on this site if they're too broke to pay people.
144p with machine translation is the standard for manhua though???


Aug 25, 2018
What this game has:
the game flow takes less than an hour;
too few H events;
terrible guides;
rough game framework.

I don't recommend anyone to play this game, it's a complete waste of time.


Mar 6, 2022
played it, the NTR is ok. So regarding NTR, there are good NTR and there are bad NTR, the bad NTR is... MC is a weak useless and dense guy, good NTR is... MC is okk... but FC just wants more..


Sep 5, 2018
I ate pancakes today and tomorrow I'm gonna eat pasta.
NTR is a hard Yes for me btw!
I presume you ate? Actually.. Nevermind, I don't want to know!

Also I'm kind of tired of all people going in to games saying what they don't like. You see the netorare tag before entering? Did you expect the game to not have NTR?
Don't be a frog at the bottom of a well.
There is generally four groups that asking such kind of question.

1. Typical japanese cucks who like games about infidelity because this makes them feel better about how such things is as common in Japanse society as lobbying is in USA senate. They will be dissapointed if there is not enough NTR and it's not hard enough (doesn't have enough drama). In most cases this is the main target audience of the devs.
The fallen flower has intention, but the flowing water is heartless.
Yet too many cucks easily spoil the meal.
2. People who actually have Netory or NTR as a fetish. They also want more NTR.
Love the house and its crow.
3. People who went to the game for different genres or for setting but dislike NTR and can't handle too much of it, especially if it's not an optional. For them un-optional NTR is a big turn-off.
A mouse's droppings spoiled the soup.
Once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of a good rope.

4. People who have a corruption of the fetish instead of NTR. Because there is not enough quality corruption games they (myself included) lurk games with NTR too because it's close enough, and you just need to make sure to never associating yourself with a cook. He who stays near vermilion gets stained red; he who stays near ink gets stained black.
This groups is quite wide but ones who ask this question tend to prefer optional NTR.

People with different principles cannot make plans together. But can fap at the single game.


Oct 22, 2019
Okay, I checked latest, which is a list of 30
3 tagged NTR or swinging. Which is 10%, or 1 in 10.
One of those is AI-deal rays which I actually played, it has no NTR in it. It's one of those "well I mean other girls will rub her tits and lick her nipples if you don't play well"
Or I just didn't get far enough after a few hours to find it. But that really doesn't feel NTR in spirit.
So there you go, Voilsh is right.
hm, well maybe i am drunk or smth than
Mar 9, 2021
Okay, I checked latest, which is a list of 30
3 tagged NTR or swinging. Which is 10%, or 1 in 10.
One of those is AI-deal rays which I actually played, it has no NTR in it. It's one of those "well I mean other girls will rub her tits and lick her nipples if you don't play well"
Or I just didn't get far enough after a few hours to find it. But that really doesn't feel NTR in spirit.
So there you go, Voilsh is right.
AI-Deal Rays does have NTR bad endings, but no actual NTR route, as the story is pretty linear... And to some extent the bad endings completely disconnect from the main story.
2.20 star(s) 5 Votes